This course will simulate the formation and early years of a new city. The idea is to expose students to a realistic example of community governance in the western United States. Most cities in the United States are very small compared to Chinese cities. Regardless, the lessons and challenges of a typical formation should provide insights for all those holding an interest in community governance. Lessons include interactions with county officials, special purpose district and special Interest Groups, costs of establishing and sustaining a city, provisions for public safety services, economic development strategies, environmental challenges and Labor relations.

主讲老师:戴夫·奥利里(Dave O’Leary)
Dave O’Leary is currently serving as the city administrator of Shelton, WA. He has been in municipal executive positions for for more than 15 years, specializing in areas such as public works, law enforcement and planning. He received a master degree in Public Administration from Boise State University (1998) and was an ICMA Credentialed Manager. He is also a guest lecturer for Evans School of Government of the University of Washington at Seattle, WA, teaching graduate course in local government.
美国的城市社区管理研究Community Governance in US Cities.pdf