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中国社会的人口流动与户籍制度Chinese Rural-Urban Migration and Hukou System


This course is designed for students who are enthusiastic for learning about the patterns of rural-urban migration in contemporary China. The fundamental goal of the course is to help students lay their theoretical and empirical foundations for their in-depth understanding of the cause and consequence of rural-urban migration in contemporary China. This course has 8 lectures: historical origin of Chinese hukou system, institutions of Chinese hukou system, reform and rural development, theories of migration, hukou system and social inequality, and the future of hukou system.


卢春龙(Jason Lu)

卢春龙现任中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院教授、副院长,2007年5月毕业于美国老领地大学(Old Dominion University)并获国际研究专业博士学位。主要研究领域有:政治学理论、政治文化、政治参与、政治心理学、政治学研究方法。主要研究课题有: 中国社会阶层研究、公民政治参与的心理研究、公民政治文化的探究、多变量之间的路径研究。发表中英文学术论文20余篇。英文论文12篇(其中SSCI论文7 篇,3篇是第一作者,4篇是第二作者)。出版学术独著《中国新兴中产阶级的政治态度与行为倾向》。

Chunlong Lu is the Associate Dean and Professor of School of Politics and Public Administration at China University of Political Science and Law. In 2007, he graduated from Old Dominion University and got Ph.D. degree in International Studies. His main research fields include: Chinese politics, comparative politics, quantitative research, Chinese social stratification, and public opinion survey. Chunlong Lu has published more than twenty articles, among which seven are SSCI journal articles, as well as one book, Political Attitudes and Political Behavior and Chinese New Middle Class.