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世界/全球治理方案:理论与历史World/Global Governance: Theory and History  


This course introduces the proposals for world/global governance contrived by Anglo-American international thinkers. From the 1910s to the 2010s, thinkers like Alfred Zimmern, Norman Angell, Leonard Woolf, Bertrand Russell, Grenville Clark, Richard Falk, Charles Beitz, David Held, and G. John Ikenberry have proposed many such plans for world governance as “international intellectual cooperation”, “international government”, “cosmopolitanism”, and “world of liberty under law”. This course aims first to offer an overview of those proposals, and second, to compare and contrast them. This course is divided into nine units. Each unit addresses one thinker’s proposal in depth, starting from intellectual background and going through the main substantive contents of the proposal. 

主讲老师:张飚(Biao Zhang)


Dr. Zhang joined the School of Political Science and Public Administration of CUPL in 2015. He obtained a LLB in Diplomacy from the School of International Studies, Peking University, a MA in International Relations from the University of Warwick, and a PhD in International Relations from the University of Exeter. His research interests lie in International Relations Theory and Sino-British Relations. His has published on K.M. Fierke’s constructivism, forthcoming in International Politics Studies (Chinese), and been adapting his PhD thesis into a monograph entitled Rationality in International Relations (English).