The course will focus on the challenges facing local government managers in the United States and the knowledge and skills required to meet them. U.S. managers understand the importance of being accountable to the people they serve and the necessity to adapt to changing circumstances. Students will learn; a) how local government is structured in the U.S.; b) the role of the professional manager and; c) the competencies required to successfully serve local communities.

主讲老师:韦斯·黑尔(Wes Hare )
Wes Hare is city manager of Albany, Oregon. Following completion of a graduate program in public affairs at the University of Oregon, he has been working as a city administrator in Oregon since 1988. Wes’ long-standing interest in international development has taken him to assignments in Japan, Indonesia, Iraq, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Morocco, Afghanistan and Jordan. He has published many articles on public management and has received the University of Oregon’s Distinguished Alumnus Award as well as the League of Oregon Cities’ Herman Kerhli Award for lifetime contributions to Oregon local government. Wes has served as the President of the Oregon City County Management Association, as a board member of the League of Oregon Cities, and has been appointed by Oregon governors to serve on several statewide boards and commissions. Wes taught state and local government at Eastern Oregon University and has spoken at national and international conferences around the world.