This course introduces students to the major debates in the field of East Asian politics. The course is arranged around a number of prominent themes that focus on politics and government in East Asia including political history and culture, major institutions and policy processes, economic and social development and foreign policy.
Brief introduction: This course has 12 lectures: including introduction to the politics of East Asia, history and political culture of East Asia, theory of Developmental States, relationship between state and society, future of East Asian political development.
主讲人:杨·杰生, 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学研究员
Jason Young, Researcher, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (CURRICULUM VITAE)
杨·杰生博士,毕业于新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学,获得政治学博士学位,现任教于惠灵顿维多利亚大学政治学系,主要研究兴趣包括:当代中国政治、东亚政治、新西兰与东亚的经济关系。出版过专著一本《中国的户口制度:市场、流动人口与制度变迁(China’s Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change)》以及多篇关于当代中国政治与社会的文章。
Jason Young graduated from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, got doctoral degree in political science. Currently, Jason Young is teaching in the department of Political Science in Victoria University of Wellington. His main research interests include: contemporary Chinese politics, East Asian politics, economic relations between New Zealand and East Asia. He has published one book 《China’s Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change》and numerous articles on contemporary Chinese politics and society.